William Lang

Check back for updates! Hopefully will be adding a new video everyday for comparison and voting


Round 3: LI Brass EON vs. Shires Vintage 4G Watch Here


Round 2: Willie's Steiner U3 5S vs. Laskey-Alessi 60SYMPH Watch Here

Winner: Laskey-Alessi 60SYMPH

Round 2: Griego 1D vs. Bousfield S Watch Here

Winner: Griego 1D

Round 2: Laskey 57MD vs Doug Elliot XT104 G* G8 Watch Here

Winner: Laskey 57MD

Round 2 Greg Black Mazzio vs. Greigo 5F Watch Here

Winner: Griego 5F

Round 2 Greg Black Futuro vs. Hammond Witser Watch Here

Winner: Hammond Witser

Round 2 Laskey-Rejano 56IB vs. Mono 52E* Watch Here

Winner: Momo 52E*

Round 2: LI Brass Chimera 675 vs. Shires Vintage 4G Watch Here

Winner: Shires Vintage 4G

Round 2: LI Brass 550E vs LI Brass Prototype EON Video Here

Winner: LI Brass EON

Round 1: Willie's Steiner U3 5S vs. Lindberg 4CL Video Here 

Winner: Willie's Steiner U3 S5

Round 1: Bousfield S vs. Griego Deco 5 Video Here

Winner: Bousfield S

Round 1: Laskey 57MD vs. Shilke 52D Video Here

WinnerL Laskey 57MD

Round 1: Park-Friedman 1000-680-1 B 4G vs. Griego 5F Video Here

Winner: Griego 5F

Round 1: Greg Black Future vs. Ultimate Brass Knights Templar Video Here

Winner: Greg Black Futuro

Round 1: Shires New Classic 5MD vs. Shires Vintage 4G Video Here

Winner: Shires Vintage 4G

Round 1: Griego 7f vs. LI Brass EON Video Here

Winner: LI Brass EON!